Our good friends at Breathe Salt Wellness in Langley, BC have some pretty amazing services to help us get healthy! Please check them out!
Use code “Cobi2021” and all you will receive a 10% discount on all services!
Here are the benefits of using the salt rooms
Clinically proven to:
- Clear mucus from the airways thus removing airflow obstruction
- Enhance the mucociliary clearance mechanism in both asthmatic and healthy subjects
- Balance airway-surface liquid
- Provide anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects
- Reduce bronchial hyper-responsiveness
- Help clear unwanted inhaled particles from the lungs
- Improve lung function
On a personal note — Our son had asthma and one of the key therapies we used was the salt rooms. Each time he had a flare up, we would head to Langley to sit in the salt room as a family and help our littlest guy get better. The difference was amazing and we have been so grateful ever since!