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Metabolic Synergy (180 Capsules)


A nationally prominent medical doctor specializing in blood sugar and endocrine health designed this multivitamin and mineral formula. Metabolic Synergy™helps maintain healthy glucose and insulin levels, while supporting the conversion of carbohydrates to be used for energy by providing nutrients for the TCA cycle. The magnesium, chromium, zinc, manganese, and vanadium are true chelates from Albion, the leader in the manufacture of mineral chelates with superior absorption.

Metabolic Synergy™ may help: • Support conversion of carbohydrates to energy • Lower fasting and average glucose levels and Hemoglobin A1C • Lower fasting and average insulin and leptin levels with improved tissue sensitivity • Reduce risk of dysglycemia • Support pancreatic sensitivity and ability to produce adequate amounts of insulin • Help prevent problems associated with elevated sugar levels such as: – neuropathy – retinopathy – kidney damage – blood vessel damage – pancreatic damage • Prevent nutrient deficiencies induced by excessively high glucose/insulin levels • Lower cardiovascular complications associated with diabetes and insulin resistance • Protect from metabolic damage induced by excessive fructose consumption • Lower homocysteine

For more information click here. 

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