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Full Scan Bio Energetic Testing Profile- Hair Lab Testing


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Full Scan Bio Energetic Testing Profile

Full Body Scan (this is energetic resonating scan that includes toxins, food sensitivities, additives, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, heavy metals, enzymes, hormones, amino acids and more).

Bioenergetic testing can help to identify resonating stress in relation to imbalances in organs and nutrition, food sensitivities, emotions, toxins, hormone imbalances, and more.

Many studies have shown that the mind affects the body, and the body affects the mind.

In a nutshell, this is what bioenergetic testing is all about. Unaddressed health complications can create stress and tension in your body. This tension may cause muscle stiffness, spasms, anxiety, and more. In simplistic terms, bioenergetic testing is a way to find out which factors are stressing your body.

But to know if you would benefit from bioenergetic testing, here is some more information that you may find useful.

An Energetic Beginning

The body is comprised of different types of energy, and this energy flows in pathways throughout the body. Health practitioners have been aware of this for centuries and have used acupuncture and several other therapies that improve the flow of energy in the body.

In the 1940s, an acupuncturist named Dr. Reinhold Voll discovered that a person’s environment could disrupt energy flow. Dr. Voll experimented with acupuncture as a treatment, but he could not find lasting solutions.

After consulting with other doctors, Dr. Voll found that in some cases, energy flow could be restored through certain lifestyle changes such as diet, supplements, homeopathy, and exercise. That was the beginning of how bioenergetic testing and therapy began, and how it became a common practice today.

How Bioenergetic Testing Works

The cells in our bodies store an immense amount of information. Just about everything we come into contact with daily is stored within the cells in our body which includes toxins, emotions, viruses, and stressors.

These environmental factors can affect our quality of life and energetic pathways. The good news is we can access the biological information stored in our bodies through hair and saliva samples.

Hair follicles grow from blood vessels that contain information from up to six years past, and this hair holds your bioenergetic patterns.  The informational patterns the hair holds can include resonating toxins, nutrients, and cellular stress throughout the body. Because every person has a different makeup and lives in a different environment, each hair sample is unique to the individual.

Hair samples can even be used to determine blood relatives and genetic disorders. That’s why you often see hair used as evidence in criminal investigations, although this type of testing is very different from what bioenergetic tests look for. Like hair, saliva glands secrete biological information that tells the body’s chemicals. Saliva tests give information about hormones, allergies, and infections. From a bioenergetic standpoint, like hair, the saliva also holds the patterns to test for things like sensitivities, toxins, and hormones.

Hair and saliva tests are one of the most popular bioenergetic testing methods because they have the means to provide a comprehensive overview of the body and how well its energetic pathways are working together, without being overly intrusive.

Bioenergetics Today

Today, psychologists, holistic health professionals, chiropractors, and individuals use bioenergetic testing and therapy to create personalized care plans or to understand their clients’ and patients’ health at a deeper level.

Because emotional stress and tension are stored in the body, a physical test (such as a hair and saliva sample) may tell how stress affects the body. Vise versa, unaddressed health complications could be causing emotional stress. This is why a bioenergetic test can assist in getting to the root of troublesome health concerns.

A bioenergetic test can scan for:

  • hormonal imbalances
  • environmental sensitivities
  • nutritional deficiencies
  • gluten sensitivities
  • thyroid stress
  • energetic patterns of toxins like mold, bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, chemicals, and parasites
  • and more
To view a sample report click here.

Lab results consultations are not included in the testing fee. If you would like one on one guidance and an individualized assessment of your lab results, book your Lab Results Appointment here. 


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