About Dr. Cobi


Dr. Cobi Slater, PhD, DNM, CHT, RNCP, NNCP began her medical training at Dominion Herbal College where she graduated with honors after 4 years of schooling with a degree in Clinical Herbal Therapy.

Dr. Cobi continued on to complete further specialized training to qualify as a DNM (Doctorate of Natural Medicine), awarded by the Examining Board of Natural Medicine Practitioners of Canada and the Board of Natural Medicine Doctors and Practitioners of North America. Dr. Cobi holds a PhD in Natural Health Sciences with a specialty in hormonal dysfunction.

In addition, Dr. Cobi is trained as a Functional Medicine Practitioner, Natural Health Practitioner, Natural Health Consultant, Natural Health Educator, a Natural Health Technician, Certified Laser Therapist, and Registered Orthomolecular Health Practitioner/Registered Nutritional Consulting Practitioner.

Dr. Cobi‘s inspiration to pursue a holistic approach to health and wellbeing led her to establish Essential Health Natural Wellness Clinic located in Maple Ridge, BC. Essential Health is dedicated to providing professional, safe and effective complementary healthcare through the use of research and evidence-based natural medicine therapies. Offering assistance for chronic disease, hormone issues, immune health, allergies, skin problems, digestive complaints, nutrition counseling and lifestyle counseling to name a few, Essential Health educates and empowers individuals to achieve an optimal state of health and wellbeing.

Dr. Cobi currently practices in her local clinic and conducts on-line consultations throughout North America. She writes health articles and columns for several newspapers and health magazines and is the International Best-Selling Author of 5 books including: The Ultimate Candida Guide and Cookbook, The Ultimate Hormone Guidebook, The Ultimate Metabolic Plan, The Ultimate Gluten and Dairy Free Cookbook and the Refresh, Revive, Restore 10-Day Detox Book.

Dr. Cobi is a member of the Canadian Herbalist’s Association of British Columbia, the Natural Medicine Practitioners of Canada, the International Organization of Nutritional Consultants, the Canadian Association of Natural Nutirional Practitioners and the Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses. She is also a member of the Board of Natural Medicine Doctors and Practitioners of North America, the Natural Medicine Certification Council as well as the Health Action Network Society.


Dr. Cobi Slater is not affiliated with the College of Naturopathic Physicians of British Columbia or Canada, nor does she claim to be an ND (Naturopathic Doctor). She is certified as a DNM (Doctorate of Natural Medicine), Registered Clinical Herbal Therapist, Registered Nutritional Consulting Practitioner, Natural Nutritional Consulting Practitoner and holds a PhD in Natural Health Science. See DNM Standards, Registration Criteria and Scope of Practice for more.


Books by Dr. Cobi. Order yours now!


Whether you are looking for a quick breakfast idea, a favourite entrée, a slowly cooked soup or many more delicious recipes, The Ultimate Gluten and Dairy Free Cookbook proves that gluten and dairy free cooking can mean healthy, easy and nutritious eating for everyone!


Today, more and more people in our society are experiencing increasing hormone dysfunction. A plethora of symptoms that are plaguing women and men of all ages can be linked to imbalances within the hormonal cascade.


Living a completely balanced and healthy lifestyle without weight fluctuations is possible when you discover and conquer which roadblocks are the underlying root causes of weight loss resistance.


This book is not just for people who are suffering with the commonly overgrown yeast, Candida but for anyone who wants to embrace true health.


The Refresh Revive Restore 10-Day Detox will help you to rebalance your body and take back control of your metabolism using the power of whole food eating and toxin elimination.

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