Heavy Metal Testing
Toxic Hair Elements Testing
Hair Elements analysis provides information regarding recent and ongoing exposure to potentially toxic metals, especially methylmercury and arsenic, and time-averaged status of specific nutrient elements. This noninvasive screening test requires only .25 grams of hair.
This test is useful for:
- Toxic Element Exposure
- Excessive Fish Consumption
- Alopecia
- Depression
- Fatigue
- Malabsorption
- Hypertension
- Impaired Glucose Tolerance
- Kidney Function
- Parkinson's-like Symptoms
- Sexual Impotence or Decreased Testosterone Production
- Vision Problems
A small amount of hair is collected from clean, washed hair. Hair must be free from hair dyes (3 months) and be washed with baby shampoo or all natural shampoo for 3 weeks prior to collection.